About Me


Hello! My name is Kevin Primm. I am a Senior Designer working in Orlando, Florida. I have been working in the Themed Entertainment Industry for 8 years.

I moved to Los Angeles after finishing my masters degree in Entertainment Technology at Carnegie Mellon University. I’m originally from Texas, where I graduated from Texas A&M with a Bachelor of Science in Visualization.

At Texas A&M, before ever designing digitally, I gained a strong knowledge of physical space through architecture. It was here I learned about my place in bridging the gap between the digital and physical worlds.

Through the Entertainment Technology Center, I was able to work in interdisciplinary teams of artists and technologists to create something I could never do on my own. Through my projects, I became aware of the location based entertainment industry.

But this potential was ignited earlier than I had realized. I fell in love with, and have been visiting theme parks from a young age.  I enjoy learning, whether it’s something related to my field or not. I have a strong drive to learn and succeed. Music and traveling are my passions. Whether attending live shows or studying abroad in Germany, my inspiration is drawn from these experiences.